Anyway, I saw a lot of new faces - maybe mostly travelers, but some I think that they're newbies (maybe working here), I saw some cute ones and some are don't, I also saw old faces - like the money boys my friends slept with, and I saw one that I slept with.
Of course, the Blue Chilli experience is incomplete without the greeting of the wonderful people behind Blue Chilli (Phnom Penh, Cambodia). The 2 kiss-on-the-cheek of Oak, the bows and big smile of Didi, and of course the macho hand shake of Sokha... and the "How are you?" of the other staff of Blue Chilli.
I miss this place where gayness in Cambodia is freely expressed, whatever kind of gay you are - whether you're looking just for fun, looking for friendship, just want to have some drink with friends, or just want to drink alone, entertaining some guest, looking for a customer for that night or hoping you'll meet you the one true love - well, Blue Chilli of Phnom Penh, Cambodia is the best place for that.
So love Blue Chilli.
Me too... I love Blue Chili for all the reasons you do... It's a wonderful place, say hello to everyone for me next time you go... :-) Meanwhile, what happened on yr hols?
enquiring minds would like to know... lol
Does Didi still dance on the bar?
Sex shown is over there, I like it very much....
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