O'russei Market : Definitely a queer place!


I went to O'russei Market and surprise surprise!!!
Queer Macho guys roving around showing their queerness.

And it’s not the rich queer guys, but the guys who work there as carriers.

I saw 2 guys touching each other’s balls and hugging.
In a little I was aroused. lol
Because of their sweaty body and their faces that you can see their hunger (lust).

Definitely a must-see here in Phnom Penh.
Queer..queer! QUEER!!!!

Go there around 3-5pm…at the back of the O'russei Market.
We never know, maybe you can pick them up. lol


Anonymous said...

Hi QC, you are right in seeing that the men touch each other on the balls. I've seen this many times. And at many places. In some ways it is a lust thing and in other ways it is a cultural thing. In ancient times men would touch each other on the balls as a means of making an agreement or to testify to something. Hence the word testes. but you are right I think this is also a lust thing. In ourassey market and many other markets men are touching each other. this is a patriarchal country and as much as they hate to deny it, there is queer activity in patriarchal settings.

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